
Build with Urban City Codes

Train the next generation of under-represented tech students and become a resource.

Why Become an Urban City Codes Instructor?

Train black and brown students virtually/in-house and improve many lives and families across the country.

Designed to work around your life and assistance to develop your course to fit your time style.

Join a growing network of black industry leaders and market yourself as an expert to Fortune 500 and Global 2000 companies.

Who’s The Right Instructor?

Urban City Codes Instructors, are established industry professionals from Fortune 500 and Global 2000 companies who have a passion to develop black and brown people in technology and have demonstrated leadership and/or has expertise in some cutting-edge tech fields.

Here’s what they bring to our courses:

Professional Leaders:

  • Demonstrated field expertise or equivalent

  • Ability to build engaging, effective, and relevant course content for under-resourced and – under-represented.

  • Passion for their field.

Committed Instructors

  • Ability to break down concepts for new learners

  • Demonstrate or provide education or teaching experience

  • Available to work 10-25 hours per week

Results-Driven Learners

  • Effective time management skills

  • Growth mindset and eager to receive feedback

  • Team player with a desire to give back to our community

What Instructors Do?

Flourish in an immersive course development experience that combines industry-inspired training with our team of instructional designers and tutoring experts.


Learn Urban City Codes tools and processes that will help you develop your course(s).

Create Project

Write down project instruction, create sample solutions, and finalize rubric.

Develop Lesson

Create 20-25 plus hours of course content with a Curriculum Manager to develop lessons, exercises, quizzes, video and/or virtual learning environment as well as a student assessment.

Media Production

Produce cutting-edge media needed from presentations, video etc… with our creative production team.

Revise & Test

Get feed back after we test the course and apply and revise course content with the necessary changes.

Finalize & Launch

Finalize course content on Urban City Codes media or platform for training. Then collaborate with our marketing team to create promotional materials, and start training.

Post Launch

After your course is started, Urban City Codes Mentors will assist answering students questions and Project Reviewers will grade students projects.  You’ll be contacted if content needs revision.

Time Commitment: To Develop A Course

10-20 Hours / Week | 2-3 Months

*Time can be more or less based on preparation.

How To Get Involved



Submit you’re interested

Fill out Urban City Codes
Instructor Interest Form questionnaire. Complete the relevant fields, and we will contact if there’s an opportunity available.



Showcase Your Skills

Your Instructor Samples should be pre-recorded or example lessons that help our team map your expertise to an Urban City Codes program. Candidates who submit a video stand out and are more likely to be contacted about upcoming opportunities!

Demonstrate one subject related to the skills and roles of interest in Urban City Codes Program of Interest list, or surprise us with a new subject in tech!

Use the Instructor Sample Guidelines to create your Instructor Sample, and submit your final draft at the link below. Note: Submitting an Instructor sample that does not follow Urban City Codes guidelines is not recommended.



Launch Development

Instructors kick-off course development with one week of onboarding, and then begin building their course alongside Urban City Codes Content Team until it is completed!

Submit Your Instructor Sample

Become Part of the Urban City Codes Family.