Gear Up Your Workforce For Next Level Technology

Devoted to your success to continue to grow the completion and graduation rates for technical skills for the ever-changing world of technology while at the same time decreasing the gap for black people in technology.

Benefits of Partnering With Urban City Codes

We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities.

Curriculum Mapping

Our programs are designed around providing solutions that address organizational skills that lead to more favorable outcomes.

Dedicated Support

Get the support that you need for customer success. Shared best practices to assist in the transformation plan for your workforce development program.

The Right Course

Pre-assessments help ensure that the right courses are put in place that aligns with the right learning path for your team or organization.

Reviews Regularly

Monthly and quarterly reporting to assist with keeping individuals and the overall programs process on track.

Urban City Codes

Be the Difference

What’s In It For You

We help you by connecting you to support organizations that will give you access to leaders in technology. We connect you to job and freelancing opportunities after skills mastery. Other benefits include:


Our instructors are real practitioners.

Learn Tech & Earn

Business and career tech development.

Join A Dynamic Environment

Your development comes first.

Effective Motivation Empowerment

We take time to uplift and push for the right mindset to learn.

Future-proofed Tech Skills

Learn the tech skills to future proof your income.

Fast Growth For Underrepresented

We are committed to culturally-focused tech programming.

Not sure where to start?

Sign up for a consultation.